Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ipod found!  Note to self:  Make sure all pockets of backpack and purse are closed, or else the Ipod will disappear again.  Found just in the nick of time, about to go mow the lawn.  It goes so much faster when I have music to listen to.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Great day... For the most part

Today's workout was great.  I ran two1/4 mile sections and did 1.5 miles total.  Feel wonderful that I was able to run 1/2 mile even if it wasn't consecutively.  I'm sure my knee will begin the protest later, but I picked up the big bottle of Aleve on the way home.  Tomorrow I have a full day of classes, depending on how things go in my last class, I may or may not run tomorrow too.  Tried to donate blood today too, but sadly my iron was too low.  Sucks!  I really wanted to donate blood.  They are collecting blood for the victims of the tornado outbreak last night.  My prayers go out to all the people affected by the tornadoes in MS and AL last night.

Now its time to work on my presentation for tomorrow.  Bleh... I really don't want to...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


We go weeks with little to no rain and then today, it pours.  Tomorrow is supposed to be more of the same.  It was probably a good thing that I didn't run/walk today since my knee was acting up, but I was kinda looking forward to it.  Even if my ipod is MIA.  On that note I have to say thank goodness for FM radio on my phone.  Hoping that it doesn't rain until after my workout tomorrow.  Can't wait to have some good lookin' legs for swim suit season.  May be too late for this year, but I can still get them in better shape before the season is over.  This weekend... crawfish boil and pool party at my bestie's.  Gonna be a blast! 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 1

Today I did 1.5 miles and I ran 0.25 miles of that.  My new runners are awesome.  They fit like a dream, and I could feel them cushioning each step.  I didn't feel any knee pain during the workout, but I probably will tonight.  I felt so great afterwards.  I didn't feel any of the usual bad feelings I used to get during running.  I'm hoping this means I'm in better shape than I thought.  Now time for a light snack with my little one, then do some work.  Ready for tomorrow!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!!!

No beach today.  Too much to do at home.  Going to transplant my pumpkins, dye eggs with my wee one, then hunt them down, then maybe work on a presentation for Friday... maybe.  Coffee is brewing as I type and I am definitely feeling the beach walking from yesterday.  Yay!!!  I can actually feel that I worked the muscles in my legs!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Not much luck in the shell hunting, but walked from one end of our beach section to the other and back again.  Twice actually since we parked on the opposite end of the beach of where we chose to play.  Even raced the little one for a bit.  Maybe tomorrow we will have better luck with the shell hunting.  I wonder if I will end up sore again after 2 days of walking in the sand.  Oh well, I look forward to it.  Means I've worked my muscles.
Today we go to the beach.  I know last week my legs were sore from all the walking in the sand.  Time for another shell hunt!!  I wonder what we will find this week...

Friday, April 22, 2011

These are my new runners.

The beginning...

We all know that all sorts of things can wreak havoc on our bodies and mine is no different.  I wasn't very active as a kid, but I still kicked butt and at one point I could run 1.5 miles in under 13 minutes Now that's not going to be breaking any records with that, but that's pretty good.  Then I injured my knee.  Long story short, it took a long time for anyone to figure out what had happened to it.  And I quit running.  I haven't actually tried to run in nearly 5 years.  I have gained a lot of weight since the injury.  I've been through a depression, gained weight.  I had a child, lost weight at first, but gained it all back soon enough.  I've been fluctuating ever since, but only plus or minus 10lbs, not near how much I need to lose. 

Well I have big news.....  I am about to begin my Odyssey!

I got myself a good pair of running shoes today.  Can't wait to break them in!!  I'll post a pic as soon as I figure out how to post pictures on here.